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Fees and Charges

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Families don't have to pay for 10 hours or more each day unless their child stays in care for that long!


Fees are charged on an hourly rate basis and are set independently by individual Educators under the Service Provider's guidance.

Families may be eligible for the Government's fee assistance by way of Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The CCS eligibility is determined by Centrelink based on the following:


To find out the eligibility for CCS, families are encouraged to do one of the following:


To be eligible for CCS the child must be immunised.

Under the 'No Jab, No Play' legislation, before a child can be enrolled, the family must provide evidence that the child is:

  • Fully immunised for their age, or

  • On a vaccination catch-up program, or

  • Unable to be fully immunised for medical reasons.

'Conscientious objection' is not an exemption under the 'No Jab No Play' legislation.




  • Fees are collected by SAND CHILD CARE SERVICES and passed on to the educators

  • Families are required to pay the fees for two weeks (a fortnight) in advance. If a family is eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS), then an estimated gap fee (full fees less CCS) will be charged

  • Families will be sent an invoice for fees based on the permanent scheduled days and hours of care during the following two weeks

  • The fees will be recovered by way of iPay (direct debit) through the integrated software system and a receipt will be issued when fees are collected

  • In some cases, the families are permitted to make payments via Electronic Fund Transfers or bank deposits into SAND CHILD CARE SERVICES' account

  • The families will also be sent a detailed statement fortnightly for the care utilised in the preceding two weeks period



A Service Support Levy is charged from the educator to cover the costs associated with the following:

  • Supporting and mentoring

  • Conducting an assessment of their premises, environment and persons in the household

  • Ensuring the ongoing assessment of each child's learning through an educational program

  • Administrative functions relating to enrolments, attendance, vacancies, leave/absences, reminders to renew certificates and more.

  • Conducting meeting and training opportunities

  • Being available for support throughout the day every day including weekends


There is a nominal fee charged to families for the ongoing undertaking extended directly to each child by the Service Provider and details of which will be provided at the time of enrolling the child.

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Every child matters to us!

In partnership with you, we are committed to ensuring that all children are safe, nurtured and empowered to develop to their full potential within our Family Day Care.

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